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why learn coding

Why should my child learn to Code?

"Education is not the learning of facts but the training of mind to think "- Albert Einstein

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What is Coding?

Imagine you are trying to make a sandwich. By design or learning, the instructions of making  a good-one, pop right into your brain and you follow a step-by-step process to prepare a sandwich of your liking. Tasty isn’t !


Something similar happens to a computer. On their own, they aren’t very smart and only do what they are told. So you need to give them good ,detailed instructions to complete a task. This process of providing a logical sequence of instructions to a computer to perform a task is called CODING.

So Coding means computer language, right?

Do you remember, how spilling at the edges and onto your hands and arms, used to make eating a simple ice-cream cone such a big challenge.


Just like that, every Coding or Programming process starts with a problem you wish to solve. To explain in brief, programming or Coding is a process that involves 3 basic steps:

1.     A problem to solve

2.    A solution to the problem

3.    The solution translated into a language the computer can understand.

Coding, today has become an integral part of our daily lives. All the various forms of technology we use to make our lives easier relies heavily on Coding. From mobile phones, cars, apps, television, digital contents to space shuttles, Chandrayan would not be possible without Coding.

why learn coding

No matter what your child wants to grow-up to become … Problem solving ability would be integral for all future roles

Coding helps develop strong Mathematics skills

As the children start applying traditional concepts to real-life problem solving, they not only strengthen their mathematics skills but also improve focus and organizational skills. Visualizing abstract concepts makes learning fun , more engaging and overcoming the need for rote memorization.


Each project exposes the child to problem solving skills, the key to good Mathematics , with:

Logical reasoning

Pattern recognition

Modelling | Simulations & using computers to test hypothesis

Using algorithms & sequencing

Organizing data.


Coding helps boost Creativity

Very soon into the project, the child starts questioning assumptions and looks for alternate solutions. As the child learns to break complex problems into smaller tasks and each accomplishment boosts the confidence, he/she  starts trying more ambitious things and eventually building programs completely on their own logic and story-telling.

Coding builds Focus & Organization skills

As coding becomes complex, the child has to think through the steps, building each on the other in correct sequence and link elements across to develop final outcome. The skills thus developed get applied  across various other tasks the child is engaged in like classroom learning, home-work or sports.

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